
The French reference of the used industrial trucks market

Representing about 25 000 units, 29% of total French industrial truck market, and growing by 10% over the ten first months of 2018, the French market for used industrial trucks is significant. Thus, a common interest of industrial truck market participants is to establish price standards for second-hand transactions.

Developed by the professional organizations of CISMA (for manufacturers) and DLR (for distributors) in 2004, the website is today the professional reference of the French market for used forklift trucks. It now provides standard prices, as trade in values, for more than 90% of existing models.

A major asset of the website is its accessibility. has been designed to be visited by everyone. Any user, such as client, dealer, insurance expert, lawyer, business press or others, is free to check the estimated standard price of a second-hand model without subscribing nor paying fees. Word of mouth works well: visits are increasing year after year, and we have been up and running for 14 years now.

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Besides, the website contains a great deal of useful information and efficient features. Our video presentation, available at the bottom of the front page, will allow you to discover these features.

Our charts are under the Creative Commons License. Please feel free to share them. If you do, we kindly ask you to refer to the Cisma, not to modify them and not for commercial purposes. You can also use the URL given below the respective chart.